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Psychic Medium


Must be 18 years of age or older or accompanied by a parent/legal guardian or have parental written consent.
Prices subject to change without notice.

Services/Fees are Non-Refundable.

Terms and conditions

For Entertainment purposes only!
By receiving or attending any sessions by Marc Jade, it is understood that all services provided by Marc Jade never replace legal, medical, financial and/or counseling, but instead is meant for entertainment, inspirational and motivational purposes only.

The content on this website including all sessions, messages, workshops and/or any other form is subject to the client’s own interpretation and to be taken at their own risk. Marc Jade is in no way responsible or liable for the actions and/or choices the client takes based on the services received whether they are sessions, workshops or any other form.  It is the recipient's 100% responsibility.

By recording your session, you agree not to change and or modify, publish and or sell without the written permission of Marc Jade.

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