Waiting list!
The scheduling round has come to an end!
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Recurring Appearances!
@ Nevis Estate Boutique Hotel
Perth, Ontario
First date: Friday, February 14
$100 per person.
Limited seats
To purchase your ticket, please email Terri.

My Process
How many readings do you do in a day?
4 sessions back-to-back are my limit, each being 1 hour. The first one begins at 1 pm with a 20-minute break in between. My breaks cannot be prolonged as I am still in “The Zone.”
What is “The Zone”?
It is when I raise my vibrational frequencies to a certain level, a level needed to use these abilities of mine. This is why it is very draining; I raise my frequencies and keep it there until I can bring it back down and go back to Marc. It's a spiritual rollercoaster while sitting on a chair.
When having a full day of readings, what is your process beforehand?
Throughout the mornings I will pick up on spiritual energies, symbols and visions in advance; who are they for? I have no clue, but I always get answers during my readings that day. Having a lineup of spirits at my door waiting for their turn is a common occurrence but I am thankful for my spirit guides as they are always there to protect me, and only until I say “Go” will the spirits come in. I always pray before my sessions begin.
Process during a reading?
My vibrational frequency has been raised to a comfortable level and I am ready. I will sustain this level until all the readings are done. Everything I see, smell, feel, and hear is all for the client I am reading for. Without sounding weird, the personal Marc must stay busy which is why I doodle. Of course, I always hope everyone finds the guidance and spiritual healing they need but we can’t please everyone that’s a fact. It took years of practice to fully accept that whatever happens during a reading, happens for a reason.
How do you feel after your readings are completed?
I feel anxious and drained. Even though the readings are done; the spiritual energies and emotions will linger with me for at least two hours. It takes time to go back to Marc.
What happens when you are tired or sick before any sessions?
My abilities are beyond powerful when I am sick as my vibrational frequencies go higher, and quicker. The problem with this is that what goes up must come down and once it does, you’ll find me rolling on the floor.